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Summer thunderstorms are awe-inspiring because of their beauty and the enormous power behind them. While they can be fun to watch, a thunderstorm can cause a lot of damage and even be deadly. These storms are also associated with power outages and power surges. But it’s the latter that can cause the most damage.

What is a power surge?

A power surge is a brief spike in voltage in an electrical line. When a surge hits the lines that go into your home, anything that’s plugged or wired in is at risk of being damaged. Residential electronic equipment is not made to handle spikes in voltage. These spikes can fry circuit boards, wires and even cause fires in extreme cases.

Your home’s HVAC system is just as prone to damage from power surges as your laptop computer. But unlike your laptop, damage to your HVAC system can cost thousands of dollars to repair and have a dramatic effect on your quality of life. Imagine sitting outside on your porch enjoying a summer thunderstorm when a power surge hits your home. Your AC is suddenly dead because the surge damaged a few wires and fried the circuit board. Suddenly, the storm is over, it’s hot and humid outside, and you have no AC. Not fun.

Preventing such a scenario is very easy. All you need is a surge protector that will keep your HVAC system safe from thunderstorms.

How does a surge protector work?

They are pretty simple. When there is a spike in voltage in your home, the surge protector will detect it and direct the excess voltage away from your HVAC system. It does this by sending the dangerous voltage into the ground where the voltage harmlessly disperses.

It should be noted that surge protectors are rated based on how much excess voltage they can handle. When considering a surge protector for your home, talk to a licensed HVAC technician or electrician to find out the minimum amount of surge protection you need.

It’s not just thunderstorms that cause power surges

While thunderstorms cause a lot of damaging surges, they can come from other sources. A down power line in your area can send an unexpected surge of voltage racing through your home. A short circuit can also do a lot of damage. A short circuit is when the electricity gets diverted to an area of lower resistance. Faulty wiring, corrosion or wires coming loose from vibrations or other movement can cause short circuits.

Why you need a surge protector?

The main benefit is pretty simple: the cost of a surge protector is very inexpensive when compared to the cost of having to fix your HVAC system after a power surge. And while they are fairly easy to install, a licensed professional should still do the installation.

Further, a surge protector will keep you safe. Spikes in voltage can cause fires, electrocution and will destroy your valuable equipment. Electricity should never be taken lightly.

A properly installed surge protector can one day save not just your HVAC system, but also your life.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Call us today to get a free quote on surge protector installation that will keep your HVAC system safe. We can also do an inspection to see if your system is at risk for short circuits or has any faulty wiring. We’ll keep you safe this summer.

The post Is Your HVAC System Safe From A Power Surge? appeared first on Bovio Rubino Service - BRS.

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