Heating & Cooling Service Checklist
Are you dealing with an AC or furnace that isn’t working, isn’t turning on, or just not keeping your South Jersey home comfortable? Here are some of the things you can check yourself to get your air conditioner back up and running.
Want to leave your heating and cooling maintenance and repair to the pros? Call Bovio Rubino Service at (888) 258-4904 or get in touch here to schedule an appointment.
Residential Heating Checklist
General Heating Service Items
- Thermostat turned on?
- Thermostat temperature setting high enough?
- Furnace/heating circuit breakers turned on?
- Heating emergency switches turned on?
- Gas service turned on? …. or fuel oil in tank?
Indoor Blower Not On
- Check “General Heating Service Items”
- If your warm air furnace is in your basement or crawl space, is there a switch on the basement stairway?
- If you have a furnace, is the blower door on securely?
“It’s 0°F Outside – Why Can’t I Get My House Above 70°F?”
- Most heating systems are only designed to create a 70°F difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. If you can get your house up to 70°F on a 0°F day, your system is working properly. High winter winds can affect the time it takes to reach your desired temperature.
Gas Smell – Call your utility company and/or Bovio Rubino Service immediately for service.
- DO NOT light any open flames, DO NOT turn anything electrical either ON or OFF.
- If smell is strong and present throughout house, vacate and wait for help.
- When in doubt, play it safe.
Heat Pump Systems
- Why do I occasionally see ice on the outdoor unit coils?
- This is a normal function of a heat pump system.
- Under certain conditions I see a plume of vapor rising from the outdoor unit, why is this so?
- This is caused under certain conditions when the unit goes into a defrost cycle, and is completely normal.
- Why do I occasionally see ice on the outdoor unit coils?
General AC Service Items
- Thermostat turned on?
- Thermostat temperature setting low enough?
- A/C circuit breakers turned on?
- Outdoor unit safety switch turned on?
Indoor Blower Not On
- Check “general items”
- If your furnace is also part of your air conditioning, is there a switch on the basement stairway or next to the heater?
- If your furnace is also part of your air conditioning, is the blower door on securely?
Outdoor Unit Not On
- See “General AC Service Items”
Outdoor Unit Running – Pipes Are Frozen, No Cooling
- Dirty indoor filters may have caused unit to freeze up. Change filters and run system in fan only mode for about 1 hour. Then switch back to cooling.
- Blocked air return may have caused unit to freeze up. Remove obstruction and run system in fan only mode for about 1 hour. Then switch back to cooling.
- Low refrigerant – If the above procedures do not solve the problem, the freeze-up may be caused by low refrigerant. Please call for service.
“It’s 100°F Outside – Why Can’t I Get My House Below 80°F?”
- Most cooling systems are only designed to create a 20°F difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures. If you can get your house down to 75°F on a 95°F day, your system is working properly.
Furnace Running – Not Enough Heat Coming From Furnace
- Dirty indoor filters may have cause low airflow and low heat output. Change filters.
- Blocked air return may cause low airflow and low heat output. Remove obstruction and run system.